
Read this!
To reduce the risk of serious injury, follow all safety labels and the own- er's manual on this website, or be instructed by a qualified trainer/physical therapist. • Do not overexert. Stop if you feel faint or dizzy. • Inspect the equitment before each use. Do not use if damaged. • Check with your doctor before using Rowllseat. • Children must be supervised by an adult familiar with proper use. This equipment challenges your balance. You may fall off. Make sure you have adequate space around you in case you fall. Sitting on the Rowllseat increas- es your risk of falling. If you lose your balance, the seat tips quickly. Be prepared to fall. Even with precautions, this advanced activity may result in injury

Before you start rowing
Before you start rowing on the Rowllseat, you should know that it is difficult for most people, and can be compared somewhat to getting into a single sculler or a kayak for the first time. Follow the exercises bellow and you will soon get better.

Start by fastening the foot straps. Do not grab the rowing handle. Use your right hand to release the seat’s locking mechanism, by pulling and turning the black handle at the back of the seat.

Exercise one
Seat travel without pulling. Familiarize yourself with the seat by riding back and forth on the ergometer rail, by bending and extending your legs. Do this for one minute and then lock the seat for 20 sec. Repeat until you control the movement or until feel yourself becoming unfocused. (Note to which side you tend to slide.)

Exercise two
Rowing stroke. Now grab the handle and perform the entire rowing stroke. Focus on equal pressure with both legs, equally weight on your buttocks and activation of the Core. Unluck the seat for one minute, followed by one minute with locked seat, repeat this five times, cadence 20-22. (If it’s too difficult to keep the balance, you can go back to exercise 1 and work on doing it with your eyes closed).

Exercise three
You are now able to row continuously for a minute without constantly sliding to the side, but you also notice that you consistently fall to the same side at the end of the stroke. (If this is not the case go to exercise 4) Now loosen the foot strap on the side you fall to and try rowing again for a minute. Fasten the foot again and row for a minute.

Exercise four
Pyramid rowing (1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1). Unlock the seat and row for 1 minute, lock the seat for 10 strokes, now 2 minutes with a 10 strokes break. Continue like this until you reach 5 minutes, after which you row for 4 minutes……. Also try changing the cadence (20-22-24-26-28-26-24-22-20)

Exercise five
At this point it feels almost natural for you to row on the Rowllseat. Now try rowing 3x10 minutes steady state. 10 minutes with unlocked followed by 10 minutes with fixed seat, and then again 10 minutes unlocked. What you need to notice is whether it got significantly harder in the last 10 minutes. If it becomes significantly harder the last 10 minutes, it either indicates exhaustion of the stabilizing muscles or it means that the old habits still dominate. How you use Rowllseat from here on depends on your situation/goals